發表時間 |
文章標題 |
人氣 |
2017-04-27 |
(265) |
2017-03-14 |
(219) |
2017-03-05 |
(77) |
2016-12-24 |
祝大家聖誕快樂,九(久,救)星恆照,祝新年如意, 川普八卦雲集o
(138) |
2016-12-22 |
2016選的年度詞彙是surreal,詭異?詭譎 ?的,代表字母 S,
(120) |
2016-12-06 |
(556) |
2016-11-30 |
(194) |
2016-11-28 |
(143) |
2016-11-20 |
搞笑研究Kung's device!!可以合作(請來看畫展,電機系一樓)
(211) |
2016-11-19 |
詩集附圖部分 (80 pieces Black & white) world class
(167) |
2016-10-27 |
士比亞商籟集 譯後感想
(74) |
2016-09-28 |
廣告歐普數位油畫optic art, 歐普藝術10/25 日,電機系一樓展出
(153) |
2016-09-28 |
秋刀出鞘漁民笑, 冬梅(處女)踐言俗人(素媛)賢
(303) |
2016-09-26 |
幾(N)種二維鋪陳的週期圖案 optic art
(152) |
2016-09-13 |
中秋節,教師節快樂(十二卦相) ...Kung 貢中元
(210) |
2016-09-08 |
2016年8月8日, 羅慕斯訪問北京,加博離境的一篇文章,我畫的"原始晶胞"My primitive cell
(77) |
2016-09-06 |
隱相處理, 美國人幹的幾件小事?
(498) |
2016-08-26 |
virtual or real (A mixed diamond-square tiling structure) CyKung 貢中元
(152) |
2016-08-12 |
數學,藝 術,生物或是霧裡(虛晶幻影) mixed diamond-square tiling CyKung 貢中元
(81) |
2016-08-08 |
2016年8月8日, 羅慕斯訪問北京,加博的一篇文章,我畫的"原始晶胞"My primitive cell
(29) |
2016-08-08 |
倒晶格幻影, Phatom of reciprocal lattice,它是藝術,晶幻魅影
(467) |
2016-08-07 |
貢氏晶胞 unit Cell for mixed triangle and square tiling and (Kung's unit cell)......C.Y. ...Kung 貢中元
(451) |
2016-08-06 |
生命之花 , and my Penrose drawings
(118) |
2016-08-05 |
十全(圈)合心,爸爸節快樂,久環關心,情人節快樂,歐普藝術(OPTIC ART) cykung
(535) |
2016-07-28 |
非週期貼磚 , 趣味數學家 -彭羅斯 penrose stair, 彭羅斯貼磚
(2077) |
2016-06-16 |
Sonnet 44 If the dull substance of my flesh were thought, 0304 CYKung 貢中元直譯
(77) |
2016-06-14 |
Sonnet 143 Lo, as a careful housewife runs to catch,CYKung,貢中元譯
(51) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 154 The little Love-god lying once asleep CYKung貢中元譯
(119) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 145 Those lips that Love's own hand did make CYKung貢中元譯
(32) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 142 Love is my sin, and thy dear virtue hate CYKung貢中元譯
(82) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 140 Be wise as thou art cruel; do not press CYKung貢中元譯
(32) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 137 Thou blind fool, Love, what dost thou to mine eyes CYKung貢中元譯
(64) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 131 Thou art as tyrannous, so as thou art CYKung貢中元譯
(63) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 126 O thou, my lovely boy, who in thy power CYKung貢中元譯
(157) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 125 Were't aught to me I bore the canopy CYKung貢中元譯
(235) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 124 If my dear love were but the child of state CYKung貢中元譯
(362) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 122 Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain CYKung貢中元譯
(65) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 121 'Tis better to be vile than vile esteem'd CYKung貢中元譯
(63) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 120 That you were once unkind befriends me now CYKung貢中元譯
(36) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 118 Like as, to make our appetites more keen CYKung貢中元譯
(51) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 117 Accuse me thus: that I have scanted all CYKung貢中元譯
(64) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 115 Those lines that I before have writ do lie CYKung貢中元譯
(112) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 112 Your love and pity doth th' impression fill CYKung貢中元譯
(43) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 111 O! for my sake do you with Fortune chide CYKung貢中元譯
(27) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 109 O! never say that I was false of heart, CYKung貢中元譯A
(193) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 108 What's in the brain that ink may character CYKung貢中元譯
(57) |
2016-04-20 |
Sonnet 102 My love is strengthened, though more weak in seeming, CYkung 貢中元
(108) |
2016-04-19 |
(146) |
2016-04-18 |
Sonet 101 O truant Muse, what shall be thy amends CYKung貢中元譯
(30) |
2016-04-18 |
Sonnet 27 Weary with toil,I haste me to my bed CYKung貢中元譯
(242) |