Unlimited number of periodic decagonal tiling with a2-D atom sites quasi crystal model貢中元chung yuan kung
Unlimited number of periodic decagonal tiling with a2-D atom sites quasi crystal model貢中元chung yuan kung
Unlimited number of periodic decagonal tiling (2D-crystal)
The fat and thin rhombus tiles with different acute angles of 36 and 72 degrees can combine to form six different decagonal tiles, of different inner structures, Each decagons composed of ten rhombuses , five thin rhombus and five fat rhombus , where a, b, c, d, e, f, are marked for six different decagons respectively in Figure 1. For the fat rhombus in the decagons of type-a, type-d, type-e and type-f are highlighted in red, purple red, yellow, and light blue, respectively. These six decagons which can be regarded (considered) as basic unit, instead of two types of rhombuses, to fabricate (infinity) tiles in this paper. And be noted that only type-a decagonal tile is five-fold symmetric and the rest decagons are only mirror symmetric.
When I attend my 50 year anniversary, I asked physics dept to give a speech abot Penrose tiling. Because during Covid 19 mperiod, a I afraid use public transpotation may have chance to be get influence infection and affect to my 99 year old mother. at that day I drove my car by myself with a poor eye seeing.
75歲自序 字祚自壽
從十多年前在電腦前, 從一張照片改製第一張圖畫開始,我就自以為是無師自通、自作自授的畫家。得到最友善最佳的評語,「抽象的莫名其妙」,不知作品好歹的自稱畫家, 還默默地參加了幾次畫展。後來還真的自作自售,賣出了一批友情贊助的畫作。在電腦前面是有各種不同的學習研究工作的, 也要常常注意到學生的論文進展。多年來, 晨昏顛倒,樂此(電腦)不疲。一時興起又恣作眥受恣意畫了許多號稱超級抽象,自己也看不懂的作品。
two dimensional Unit cell of infinite size 二維無限大的晶胞 all these can be extended to infinite
給蔣介石高分的原因是: (影响台灣政局的這段時間, 開羅會議到中日合約)