Sonnet 75 So are you to my thoughts as food to life, 2016 02 04
So are you to my thoughts as food to life,
Sonnet 75 So are you to my thoughts as food to life, 2016 02 04
So are you to my thoughts as food to life,
六五自壽自序 --- 自作自壽, 願天下正心齊物笑引王風!! 2013 05 11
不識時務,難為俊傑,墨行道徑,(墨家之行,以自苦為極,道家之境,遠实物為樂), 不忮不求,不累俗飾物,圖個輕鬆自在,唐言悠論,出自丹心,雖清談而非無端,始於墨而終於道,同歸淡定,瀟灑自沍。終歸俠隱之士,以清心寡慾,「無功」「無名」甚至於「無己」自勉。師墨道終歸末道,過於隱無為,不適水土之詹詹,舌炎引眾怒,鼎重難討喜。本屬浸道自修之人,為學窮研之輩,何求入世習(襲)俗 ?奚益!
Sonnet 136 If thy soul check thee that I come so near, (待簡化)
If thy soul check thee that I come so near,
Sonnet 135 新版十四行詩154首 銷售 280NT 手機
Whoever hath her wish, thou hast thy Will, 20160120暫訂