Sonnet 113  Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind 十言
Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind;

And that which governs me to go about

Doth part his function, and is partly blind,

Seems seeing, but effectually is out;

For it no form delivers to the heart

Of bird of flower, or shape, which it doth latch:

Of his quick objects hath the mind no part,

Nor his own vision holds what it doth catch;

For if it see the rud'st or gentlest sight,

The most sweet favour or deformed'st creature,

The mountain or the sea, the day or night,

The crow, or dove, it shapes them to your feature:

 Incapable of more, replete with you,

 My most true mind thus maketh mine untrue.


 第九句,For if it see the rud'st or gentlest sight,


My most true mind thus maketh mine untrue.         

我的至臻, 錯使我心失真。10 


莎士比亞十四行詩第 113   紫蓉譯

Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind;與你離別後,我的雙眼退隱至心頭;

And that which governs me to go about 那原本指引我去向的雙眸

Doth part his function, and is partly blind,形同半盲,頓然失去了功用,

Seems seeing, but effectually is out;雖睜眼觀看,卻不分南北西東;

For it no form delivers to the heart無法將外相由眼至心的傳送,

Of bird, of flower, or shape, which it doth latch:無論是花,是鳥,是景物閃現而過,

Of his quick objects hath the mind no part,皆無法於心版上顯影駐留,

Nor his own vision holds what it doth catch;亦無法被眼力之網一一捕獲;

For if it see the rud'st or gentlest sight,無論所見為最殘忍或最溫柔,

The most sweet favour or deformed'st creature, 為最扭曲醜態或最甜美面容,

The mountain or the sea, the day or night, 為高山或大海,為黑夜或白晝,

The crow or dove, it shapes them to your feature: 為烏鴉或白鴿,皆化為你的一靜一動:

Incapable of more, replete with you, 既然你如此盤據了我整個心窩,

My most true mind thus makes mine eye untrue. 我最真誠的心只好任雙眼說謊犯錯。

(William Shakespeare / 紫蓉譯)

北斗第一星 2010-01-25 11:36

Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind;             自从离开你,我眼神恍惚;

   And that which governs me to go about              而它还支配我行走举步-

Doth part his function and is partly blind,            放弃了功能,部分已盲目,

   Seems seeing, but effectually is out;                   似乎在观望,却视若无睹; 

For it no form delivers to the heart                      而花儿、鸟呀,或各种形状-

   Of bird of flower, or shape, which it doth latch:     隔断了,不再传导至心房:

Of his quick objects hath the mind no part,          头脑中没有活动的影像,

   Nor his own vision holds what it doth catch;          自身的目光啥也撞不上。


For if it see the rud'st or gentlest sight,            一看见至俗至雅的景物,

The most sweet favour or deformed'st creature,   极致的精品,奇丑的牲畜,

The mountain or the sea, the day or night,           乌鸦或白鸽,山海或朝暮,

   The crow or dove, it shapes them to your feature:全都幻成你容貌之局部。 

Incapable of more, replete with you,                      心中满是你,无以再复加,

My most true mind thus maketh mine eye untrue.  我真心因之令目光虚化。 

[附1]:梁宗岱教授译本-                         [附2]:屠岸译本-

 自从离开你,眼睛便移居心[里],                离开你以后,我眼睛住在我心间;

   于是那双指挥我行动的眼睛,                   于是这一双向导我走路的器官

既把职守分开,就成了半瞎[子],               放弃了自己的职责,瞎了一半,

   自以为还看见,其实已经失明;                  它好像在看,其实什么也不见;


因为它们所接触的任何形状,                     我的眼睛不给心传达眼睛能

花鸟或姿态,都不能再传给心,                   认出的花儿鸟儿的状貌和形体;

自己也留不住把捉到的景象;                       眼前出现的千姿万态,心没份,

   一切过眼的事物心儿都无份。                   目光也不能保住逮到东西;

因为一见粗俗或幽雅的景色,                      只要一见到粗犷或旖旎的景色,

   最畸形的怪物或绝艳的面孔,                  一见到甜蜜的面容,丑陋的人形,

山或海,日或夜,乌鸦或者白鸽,               一见到山水,日夜,乌鸦或银鸽,

   眼睛立刻塑成你美妙的姿容。              眼睛把这些全变成你的面影。

心中满是你,什么再也装不下,                  心中满是你,别的没法再增加,

就这样我的真心教眼睛说假话。                  我的真心就使我眼睛虚假。 

[附3]:曹明伦教授译本-                      [附4]:梁实秋译本- 

与你分别后我的视觉移居心灵,                   自从离开你,我的眼是在我心[里],

   于是那引导我四处走动的器官                至于指引我走路的那个器官

便多少成了盲眼,丧失了官能,                  只有部分机能,部分变成了瞎[的]*             

   表面像在凝视,其实视而不见;               好像是能看,什么也看不见: 

因为眼睛所见的小鸟和鲜花,                  因为它看到了花鸟的形状,

   其形态姿容都不能被传到心房,              不能把形状向我心里输[送];

心灵没法分享眼前生动的图画,                 心不能分享眼中短暂的印象,

它自己的视觉又难留所见风光;                   眼也不能保持那瞬间的幻[影]: 

因即使它看见最俗最雅的景色、                    因为它看到的东西不拘粗或雅,

   最姣好的身影或最丑陋的面孔,             是美丽的容颜,最畸形的丑怪,

或高山大海白天黑夜乌鸦白鸽,                  山或海,昼或夜,白鸽或乌鸦,

   它也会将它们幻化成你的姿容,                它把它们都变成了你的姿态: 

因完全被你们占据,无力分心旁骛,               心里全是你,不能承受别的东西,

我忠实的心灵就总使我视觉模糊。             我的忠心造成了我眼前的迷离**


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