至今最大尺寸的潘洛斯鋪磚圖。這是迄今為止最大尺寸色彩鮮豔的彭羅斯瓷磚瓷磚圖案,很容易看出彭羅斯瓷磚的對稱性和內部結構。This is the largest size brightly coloured Penrose tilond pattern to date, and it is easy to see the symmetry and internal structure of the Penrose tile.這是迄今為止最大的彩色彭羅斯瓷磚圖案,色彩鮮豔,很容易看出彭羅斯瓷磚的對稱性和內部結構。
A beam array transmitter(1) is used to transmit a well-designed concentric circles pattern with different spacings, while another beam array receiver(2) is used to record the pattern change of this concentric circle.
We found that the pattern produces interference fringes when the spacing of concentric pattern are changed
圖案(一)為原始圖案Pattern (1) is the original pattern , (二)為間距調整後的圖案(2) The pattern after spacing adjustment
?這一發現使我們意識到將光學晶體檢測的概念應用於彭羅斯平鋪對稱的可能性。。This discovery made us realize the possibility of applying the concept of optical crystal detection to Penrose tiling symmetry..
至今最大尺寸的潘洛斯鋪磚圖。The largest size of Penrose tiling up to date . 將彭羅斯圖案視為一種光學晶體,照射圖案的結果隨著晶體旋轉的不同而不同。Consider the Penrose pattern as an optic crysyal, the result of irradiation pattern were different with different crystal rotation..
圖二.轉72°,轉36度and changing some parameters的觀測結束 。
Conclusion: This experience demonstrated (implicately) that diffration pattern can be controlled and perfermonced by lines (interaction)and (may not by arraied crystal point)
Ref ; (1) secret PERSONAL DESIGN
(2) secret PERSONAL Device