
To be, or not to be, that is the question:  (By cykung)貢中元譯  請檢查顏色標記的地方

,That makes calamity of so long life, ,,,,and the spurns That patient merit of thunworthy takes......

 To be or not to be, that is the question:  無為苟活奮為而死是生死攸關的問題,是個棘手的問題:

是如,非如, 剎費深思:To be 保(維)持現狀, not to be 改變現狀 ,  現狀苟活 無為

 Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer 是苦心容忍, 萬箭(明槍暗箭)穿心

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,  之悲慘命運或採取武力對抗,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles 制止如濤般擁至的橫禍.

And by opposing end them. To dieto sleep, 到底何者較為高貴? 求死而安息,

No more; and by a sleep to say we end 成仁而無憾 (不作為);而如此之夢(一死之後),我們(認為)可以結束

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks 揪心之痛,並且閃避身心必須承受的

That flesh is heir to: tis a consummation  百般折磨,打擊這個(死)被虔誠期望的

Devoutly to be wishd. To die, to sleep  圓滿結局。 醉生之死, 仍然苟活

To sleep, perchance to dreamay, theres the rub:  成真之夢可能來臨, , 這確是一种糾結,


For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,  因為垂死之夢,噩夢 (憾事)何其憾多.

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,  當我們拖著(擺脫了)這個生死(致命)糾纏,

Must give us pausetheres the respect  使我們必須(停下來) 沉思--那可能發生的景_(面相)

可能悲慘命運变得十分漫長, (面相,)

That makes calamity of so long life會使得苦難的生命十分(如此)漫長。 

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,  因為(畢竟)誰願意承忍受世()代的鞭笞和嘲諷,  

Thoppressors wrong, the proud mans contumely,  壓迫者(上層的)欺負傲慢者的凌辱 -

The pangs of disprizd love, the laws delay,  失去愛人的創痛,法律的延宕誤判,

The insolence of office, and the spurns  官員的蠻橫傲慢無禮, 而摒棄(拒絕,鄙夷藐視)

That patient merit of thunworthy takes, ***那不值得堅持的(忍耐)優點 -- 忍耐,(?) 


When he himself might his quietus make  當他只要用一把小小的尖刀 (bodkin,織針)

With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,  就可以終結他自己生命?誰願承担駝背(fardels bear)之重負

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,  在汗雨嘮叨中疲憊的生活著,,

But that the dread of something after death,   只有那死亡之後的某种恐懼, 迷惑了意志, 

The undiscoverd country, from whose bourn 

No traveler returns, puzzles the will

死亡, 這個沒有任何旅客生返的知國度,

And makes us rather bear those ills we have  使我們寧可承担 忍受當下的不幸苦難,

Than fly to others that we know not of?  也不願飛向其他未知的折磨。

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,   就此,死亡的認知使我們懦弱,

And thus the native hue of resolution  謹慎顧慮,使豪邁赤胆本色(決心)

Is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought,  顯得那麼蒼白病態,

And enterprises of great pitch and moment 於是乎偉大重要的事(志)

With this regard their currents turn awry 由於這種思偏差, 改變了方向

And lose the name of action. …  失去了號召動之名義。…… 

*** 我認為,如果哈姆雷特選擇活 ,那麼最可能遭受痛苦的方式來解釋哈姆雷特

不值得堅持的(忍耐)優點 -- 忍耐.不可取優點,不值得採取優點 -- 忍耐

隨附朱生豪,曾培慈,彭鏡禧的翻譯 ,兩分英文翻譯


,2019年9月,ISBN 978-986-92062-9-7  


..... 《哈姆莱特》,朱生豪译,《莎士比亚全集》之九,北京,人民文学出版社,1978年。为方便读者,恭录此独白全文如下:

生存還是毀滅,這是一個值得考慮的問題;默然忍受命運的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的無涯的苦難,通過鬥爭把它們掃清,這兩種行為,哪一種更高貴?死了;睡著了;什麼都完了;要是在這一種睡眠之中,我們心頭的創痛,以及其他無數血肉之軀所不能避免的打擊,都可以從此消失,那正是我們求之不得的結局。死了;睡著了;睡著了也許還會做夢;嗯,阻礙就在這兒:因為當我們擺脫了這一具朽腐的皮囊以後,在那死的睡眠里,究竟將要做些什麼夢,那不能不使我們躊躇顧慮。人們甘心久困於患難之中,也就是為了這個緣故;誰願意忍受人世的鞭撻和譏嘲、壓迫者的凌辱、傲慢者的冷眼、被輕蔑的愛情的慘痛、法律的遷延、官吏的橫暴和費盡辛勤所換來的小人的鄙視??,要是他只要用一柄小小的刀子,就可以清算他自己的一生?誰願意負著這樣的重擔,在煩勞的生命的壓迫下呻吟流汗,倘不是因為害怕不可知的死後,害怕那從來不曾有一個旅人回來過的神秘之國,是它迷惑了我們的意志,使我們寧願忍受目前的折磨,不敢向我們所不知道的痛苦飛去?這樣,重重的顧慮使我們全變成了懦夫,決心的赤熱的光彩,被審慎的思維蓋上了一層灰色,偉大的事業在這一種考慮之下,也會逆流而退,失去了行動的意義。且慢!美麗的奧菲利婭!——女神,在你的祈禱之中,不要忘記替我懺悔我的罪孽。莎士比亞名劇《哈姆雷特》《王子復仇記》膾炙人口的句子, To be, or not to be; that is the question 是哈姆雷特王子第三幕第一景獨白的第一句。

「是如或非如, 頗(剎)費深思」「如何定義:保持現狀或改变現狀, 是個棘手的問題」  「要不要生存下去,是個棘手的問題」

以下 to be ,,中譯文,抄之於網路, 附三篇翻譯極佳的哈姆雷特第三幕第一景的獨白中譯文,




曾培慈:尋活還是尋死﹐這真是個議題(南緯28°/ Betty Tseng (28uts



哈姆雷特因父王遭叔父篡弒,母后還改嫁叔父,不知如何自處,沉吟之中說了那段獨白。查一八二三年英國出版的 A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature第四章,哈姆雷特那一句意思是 The continuance or non-continuance of my existence, is the matter to be examined(我要不要生存下去,真費思量)。)。並明白指出:假如沒有情節配合, To be, or not to be一語,並無完整的意思)。

隨附兩分英文翻譯,老實說,我不懂他們翻譯* (a) That patient merit of the unworthy takes 

There are quite a few things going on here. First, scansion reveals as many as four unstressed syllables in a row, which is unusual. The line itself is 11 syllables; as scanned above, the line can be described as iamb/iamb/pyrrhic/anapest/iamb. Scanning "of" as stressed (however slightly) turns that interpretation into iamb/iamb/iamb/anapest/iamb instead. Grammatically, this line is an object-subject-verb inversion with the direct object ("spurns") on the previous line, which makes it all a bit dicier to parse. Patient in this context is defined as "bearing evils with calmness and fortitude," while merit denotes "worthiness" and takes is used as "receives." Literally, the clause would translate to something like "the insults that worthy fortitude receives from the unworthy."那些值得堅持的 不值得的人那裡得到的侮辱”

** (b)Aug 11, 2012

“For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin?..."

This is from Hamlet, the famous "to be or not to be" soliloquy. I can't understand the sentence in red. People say "spurns" means "insults", "the unworthy" means "bad guy", "the patient merit" means if a good person is harmed by "the unworthy", he will just sit by patiently, he will do nothing. I'm confused. There is a "of" between "patient merit" and "the unworthy" which means it's "the unworthy" (the bad guy) that has "that patient merit". How can a bad guy have a good quality? Can you help me? Thank you very much.

Could it be that "the unworthy" does not mean "bad guy", but good person. He is unworthy of "the spurns", he should not be insulted. When somebody insults him, he just takes "the spurns" calmly, because he has "patient merit". Am I right?


哈姆雷特於第三幕第一景的獨白 — 莎士比亞 著





要生存,或不要生存,這才是問題。 To be, or not to be, that is the question:

比較高貴的是在內心容忍 Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer

暴虐命運的弓箭弩石,The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

還是拿起武器面對重重困難,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

經由對抗來結束一切?死去——睡去;And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,

如此而已;假如一覺睡去就結束了 No more; and by a sleep to say we end

內心的痛苦,以及千千萬萬種 The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

肉體必須繼承的打擊:這種結局 That flesh is heir to: ’tis a consummation

正是求之不得。死去,睡去;Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep

睡去,可能還作夢——對,這才麻煩。To sleep, perchance to dreamay, there’s the rub:

因為在死的睡眠裡會做哪一種夢,For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

即使那時已經擺脫了凡塵的羈絆,When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

還是會逼得我們躊躇——也因此 Must give us pausethere’s the respect

苦難的生命才會如此長久。 That makes calamity of so long life

誰甘心容忍世間的鞭笞和嘲諷、 For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

壓迫者的欺負、傲慢者的侮辱、Thoppressors wrong, the proud man’s contumely,

失戀的創痛、法律的延誤、The pangs of disprizd love, the law’s delay,

官員的蠻橫、以及有德之士 The insolence of office, and the spurns

默默承受的小人的踐踏??——That patient merit of th’unworthy takes,

假如他自己單憑一把短刀 When he himself might his quietus make

就能清償宿債?誰甘心背負重擔, With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,

在困頓的人生中喘氣流汗, To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

若不是從死亡那個未明就裡的 But that the dread of something after death,

國度,沒有一個旅客回來過, The undiscoverd country, from whose bourn No traveler returns, puzzles the will

而對死後的恐懼麻痹了意志,And makes us rather bear those ills we have


也不要飛向未知的折磨。 Than fly to others that we know not of?

就這樣,意識使我們懦弱, Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,

就這樣,決心的赤膽本色也因 And thus the native hue of resolution

謹慎顧慮而顯得灰白病態, Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,

於是乎偉大而重要的事業 And enterprises of great pitch and moment

由於這種關係改變了方向, With this regard their currents turn awry

失去了行動之名。……  And lose the name of action. …

曾培慈(南緯28°/ Betty Tseng (28utsc)

尋活還是尋死﹐這真是個議題﹕ 究竟是哪個高尚些﹖是耐心忍受命運裡殘暴無恥的眾矢亂石之擊,
還是挺身與無涯苦海為敵﹐斬它個了斷。 死去﹕睡下﹔一切不再﹔
要是一個人能以白刃自行了斷? 有誰會願意忍辱負重﹐
那從來沒有往者歸返的冥境﹐使人疑惑﹐ 讓人寧可忍受現下的不幸﹐


To be, or not to be; that is tTo be, or not to be; that is t









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