A variety of equilateral rhombuses can be tessellated into an infinite (non periodic) two-dimensional plane.(ref 1, 二維鑲嵌作圖及錯覺圖案製作 two-dimensional tessellation art and illusion pattern,作者貢中元,Chung Yuan Kung,鴻林圖書有限公司 Honglin Books Co., Ltd. 2021 July), Least elements, minimal variables, (infinite) unlimited combinations, unbounded expansiion (derivatives), of this kind drawing rule is worth demonstrating in further detail.
Rhombus close-packed patterns are observed in nature, for example, the stripes of snail shells and the spiral core-like distribution of sun flower seeds. If we can systematically understand all the possibilities of the rhombus tessellation pattern, it can be helpful to understand the taxonomic details of the similarities and differences of biological growth.