目前分類:貢中元圖畫集 (136)

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A variety of equilateral rhombuses can be tessellated into  an infinite (non periodic) two-dimensional plane.(ref 1, 二維鑲嵌作圖及覺圖案製作 two-dimensional tessellation art and illusion pattern,作者貢中元,Chung Yuan Kung,鴻林圖書有限公司 Honglin Books Co., Ltd. 2021 July),  Least elements,  minimal variables,  (infinite) unlimited combinations, unbounded expansiion (derivatives), of this kind  drawing rule is worth demonstrating in further detail.

 Rhombus close-packed patterns are  observed in nature, for example, the stripes of snail shells and the spiral core-like distribution of sun flower seeds. If we can systematically understand all the possibilities of the rhombus tessellation pattern, it can be  helpful to understand the taxonomic details of the similarities and differences of biological growth.

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   本人利用computer 繪圖己有十年不亦樂乎!!.請您評賞指教,可到貢中元 BLOG 網址觀賞我部份的作品.

數位藝術創作作品 :

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類似 三蒲公‧亮概念摺疊式的二維密鋪


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二種菱形密鋪鑲嵌可衍伸到無限大的簡單範例  (基本圖樣) 非對稱型 半對稱型 有週期性局部重合型 迴旋型 ,

45 90度二菱形 作圖比較容易說明密鋪 鑲嵌的技巧, 、類似技巧可衍伸到其他種類的菱形密鋪

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Tessellation of unlimited equilateral rhombuses, 無限多種等邊菱形鑲嵌密鋪合成的圖範列

 A variety of equilateral rhombuses can be tessellated into  into an infinite (no periodic) two-dimensional plane. The author is here to explain a  standard drawing method, this kind of drawing can be extended to an unlimited  number of  rhombuses with an unlimited  number of combinations,

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銳角為15,30,45,60,75,90度的菱形鑲嵌作圖,, 並可以延伸到無限大.

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銳角為45,60,75度的菱形鑲嵌作圖,可再加入銳角為3090度五種菱形的鑲嵌作圖, 並可以延伸到無限大.

下列!只是初期示範,,,, 後續變化更趨雜複,‧勢必使用電腦軟体技術‧‧

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自作自授,, 世界第一

Two-dimensional tessellation art and illusion pattern 二維鑲嵌作圖以及錯覺圖案製作


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new two dimensional tessellation art work 


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Two dimensional tessellation art work二維鋪磚藝術 中元cykung


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z J015dvc v.jpg


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蓋亞變奏幻象 optic art 歐普藝術 等邊菱形合奏


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十張,Art expression of the  semi-regular tiling  菱形的二維鋪磚圖案,


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歐普圖案設計藝術, 如果你不這麼自己發表作品, 以後別人可能說你抄襲他們的  

歐普藝術 --- 一般都是用簡單的綫條,几何圖形,有特定秩序的排列-而產生光視覺(錯覺)美感的藝術,又被稱為「視幻藝術」或「光效應藝術」,此處提供幾輻作品做參考作品特色是每單元組体是用有立体感的元素或綫條,有時採用現成浮光技術的綫條,與過去作品區隔傳統對稱週期性的複雜的圖樣早就在地氈,壁紙或是圍巾錦鍛上出現,那些不管是手工或電腦輸出的工藝,因普羅化,而進不了藝術聖堂美工與美術的差別,不是的差別在於展場的昂貴費用,這就是電腦繪畫的悲哀,就算整批畫作被搜購後,也抵不上策展所需費用值得一提的是電腦搞怪的特色, 是可以將美術美感播種在青年心中, 而產生有創意的美麗人生

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optic art special pattern of two dimensional tiling with three-diamond shape 三個菱形的二維鋪磚圖案  - 特例


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古典色律的傲氣z05 bca.jpg

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幾種不同菱形的二維鋪磚圖案  New two-dimensional tileing pattern unit Cell of infinite size) cykung 貢中元


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旋,自旋,相對互旋???cykung 貢中元

copy from

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