When I attend my 50 year anniversary, I asked physics dept to give a speech abot Penrose tiling. Because during Covid 19 mperiod, a I afraid use public transpotation may have chance to be get influence infection and affect to my 99 year old mother. at that day I drove my car by myself with a poor eye seeing.
at that day I drove my car by myself , I found my poor eye seeing. When I try my transparencies, I found that I can not clear see the images on the screen, and i can not see the red arrow cursormark那一天是在物理系大廳吃大餐前20分鐘的演講,大家應該只想到吃飯,另外一個同學還在當董事長, 說了一句,他弟弟很厲害。
當我參加我的畢業 50 週年紀念日時,我要求物理係做一個關於彭羅斯平舖的演講。因為在Covid 19期間,我擔心使用公共交通工具可能有機會受到感染並影響到我99歲的母親。
e disappoint that she said his brother is very famous in AI field , and did't give me any enouurge on my presentation.我有點失望的是,她說他的兄弟在人工智能領域非常有名,並且沒有給我講的演任何鼓勵。
2022年5月1號, 李義發老師還有我們班上最漂亮的也是成績最好的兩個同學, 特別來聽我十分糟糕的演講,5月2號早上我被一串敲門聲音嚇醒了,開門後沒有看到任何東西, 眼前看到的是一團紅色的圖案,潘洛斯圖,後來我只要張開眼睛就是這一些像網狀的圖案,我後來做了X光大腦掃描,就像這一張,但是更黑很多,一個禮拜以後我母親走了!!