different unit cells in one periodic decagonal crystals 

If there are different crystal phases inside the crystal, there must be many defects or mismatched atoms on the phase boundcrystal, there must be many defects or mismatche
ed atoms on thearies of the different phases. If there are different  phases inside the phase boundaries of the different phases,again
In this case, new crystals are created that embed grains of different phases but show no grain boundaries.We deliberately made some of the problematic unit cells, mad

some modifications to the internal structure, and then reassembled them. For this case, the seam connecting the parts needs to be modified somewhat and becomes another kind of different unit cell. Periodic crystals are then made using two or more of these remodified unit cells.


準晶體結構必須伴隨著彭羅斯 tile結構,才能清楚感受到晶格的存在
This is complete different from the traditionadifferent unit cells in one pelly undersdifferent unit cells in one petanding about solid crystals of any kind.different unit cells in one pedifferent unit cells in one pedifferent unit cells in one pe

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