virus couplimg
virus coupling ,圓形(球形)形狀總是與病毒有關,下面演示兩種不同的皮膚耦合,一種相對容易,另一種需要將鍵合鏈溶解並重建另一種十邊形.
在這裡,顯示三種不同大小的圓形彭羅斯型病毒,小型、中型和大型病毒。如圖 2 所示,較小的一個可以很容易地在特定位置完美地耦合到較大的一個,而在其他位置,一些維修工作是必要的,如圖 2 所示。
virus coupling , the circular (spherical) shape always made to related with virus, the following demonstrate two different skin coupling, One is relatively easy, another one need a bonding-chain dissolved and rebuild another types of decagons. Here, show three different sizes of circular penrose -type virus, small, medium, and large size ones. as shown in fig 2, smaller one can be easily perfectly coupled into larger one on certain site while om the other locations, some repair work is necessary, as demonstrated in fig 2.
different types of skin coupling