Art expression in two dimensional tiles貢中元cykung I have to publish my tiling art in this way since 2015,very orginal ones, ,,, otherwise some day somebodies may say these were copied 如果你不在部落格發表你的作品,到時侯別人可能會說你抄襲
Art expression in tiles
By Chung Yuan Kung, National Chung Hsing University, E.E. Department
This work reveals several tiling work in an art expression. Some tiles , which seemingly not reported in any recreational math before, were arranged in five different patterns as shown in follows:
A) Semi-regular tilings with identical rhombus shape (same size and shape with special defined reflection symetry , It combined of rotated parallelogram tilings):
B) Semi-parallelogram tiles with different rhombus shapes (same edge length but different acute angle) without symmetry : (Semi slanting tiles)
C) Two different types of semi-regular tiles with their unit cell combined with different numbers of squares and equilateral triangles. Their primitive cell can be defined as green color region in Fig. C(a ) and orange color region in Fig C(b). These tiles are of reflection and translation symmetry.
D) Infinite types of semi-regular tiles can be made with square and equilateral triangle with different types of unit cells: The unit cell and periodicity can be easily identified , for example,marked by green in fig D (b) .
E) Super periodic tiles, extended to infinite, by their-own a primitive cell. (Kung)E)
( F) extra Figs for tiles expressed in colorful f