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All  Penrose kung tiling 


貢中元 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

not five fold, not mirror symmnot five fold, not mirror symm

我從頭從原子,分子的觀念來闡述胖瘦二種菱形形成六種正十角形(類分子)、然後再用六種正十角形,以高分子簇(Clusters)的概念規範了幾類五邊形(Penrose tiles)的簇類,同時也定義了在簇裡面缺陷的含義,,,再利用群簇耦合的概念,耦合的簇邊界的分子轉換製繪無限大的 defect free Penrose鋪磚圖,,,,,這種邊界化學概念的反應有助於了解五重性合金quasicrystal準晶体的曉解.

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Pseudo chemistry with decagonal tiling and six decagons coexisted without any defect


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I wish to submit a research article for publication in Nature, titled: “The formation of the periodic translational Penrose tiles (crystal) and their corresponding unit cells.” 

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Dear Editor:  I wish to submit a research article (Short Communication) for publication in Nature, titled: “The formation of the four-way symmetric translational tiles (crystal) and corresponding unit cells.” 

I believe that the study will significantly contribute to the body of literature as it tends to demonstrate how to construct a four-way symmetric Penrose tile. The results show that four-way symmetric Penrose tiling can be created by adding one more mirror coupling in the y-direction.

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I wish to submit a research article for publication in Communications Physics, titled: “Conjugated coupling for two Penrose tiles pair and their elementary unit cell for translation tiles.” 

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Chief Edito, titled: “The definition of unlimited, pentagonal shape Penrose tile that is defect-free.” 

I believe that the article will significantly contribute to the body of literature as it tends to modify the original Penrose tile into a pentagon. It was found that the original penrose tile is composed of three types of decagons: type-a, type-b and type-c, and that Pentagonal penrose tiles may not always be five –fold or mirror symmetry since they consist of any combination of six types of decagons.

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貢中元 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


近來畫作上網供同好共賞。全彩視窗加持, 作品無不精美光彩。複製圖片,畫澤眩麗,視感震憾。嘗試印油畫大圖,有粗獷,也有細, 筆條簡單大氣, 色彩激烈, 類似野獸派?畫風的精彩。獨處於眾畫之間,油然自戀而不自知(天高地厚)。曰,開個畫展接受公評。或曰,出一畫冊看看実物。有朋如是慫恿,心怦然之。花了點時間整理出一本圖畫,定名自作自授集。避免濫竽汙染, 將圖集送往雲端,伴青天遨遊, 以会有緣人。

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Art expression in two dimensional tiles貢中元cykung  I have to publish my tiling art in this way since 2015,very orginal ones,  ,,, otherwise  some day somebodies may say these  were copied 如果你不在部落格發表你的作品,到時侯別人可能會說你抄襲

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用不同的激素‧在特定的時問(序)對不同的組緘做最佳化的成長或抑制調控,使各組織的基因最適當的發揮功能產生指(特)定的定效果,在定義下的情況,產生被定義的結果o可用在動物,包括人類,需要大數據資料庫Q上帝才有/基因表達技術//精準基因表達..   ‧抑制為陰,促長為陽,,,,,陰陽調和是謂太極......


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科技藝術 opt art  歐普藝術 cykung  抓圖要快


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